
Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai Expressed Sympathy, Condolences and Solidarity with the bereaved families in Peshawar

Washington, D.C. December 16, 2104. These cowardly contemptible murders of 141 people, including 132 children, mostly under 16, in Peshawar, Pakistan are condemnable no matter what the motivation of the terrorists. This massacres is unmitigated evil, an earmark of barbarism contemptuous of civilization. We must understand that terrorism is never acceptable no matter how seemingly urgent the political objective or how evil the opposition. Terrorism at anytime, any place, and by anyone can never be and must not be tolerated in a civilized society. Terrorism invariably corrupts the culprits and the common human rights of mankind.

Terrorists must recognize that a nation’s sovereignty gained by terrorism is not worth having. And a life that indulges terrorism is not worth living. That must be our shining creed for today, tomorrow, and forever.

We share President Obama’s vision, “to fight extremism and promote peace” in all parts of the world. The world powers, including the United States must cooperate with the Pakistani authorities in capturing, prosecuting, and punishing not only the villains who killed these innocent children, but every terrorist at all times and in all places. Punishment should be unforgiving, sufficient to deter would-be imitators.


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